Environmental Policy

Our environmental policy

Glendale seeks to be a respectful custodian of the environment whilst carrying out our business activities, by reducing our negative impacts on the environment. Our commitment to maintaining an Environmental Management System (EMS) that meets the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001: 2015 aids our dedication to best practice and continual improvement in all aspects of our work and of the environment we work in. Glendale aims to demonstrate to our employees, partners and other stakeholders our commitment to the environment by promoting environmentally responsible practices and incorporating sustainable principles into our work.

To provide the following services for both public and private sector clients:
● specialist grounds and golf course maintenance and management
● utility and commercial arboriculture, tree relocation, landscaping and countryside management
● green waste and composting

We shall:
● Develop an awareness and understanding with our employees, partners and other stakeholders of the many interactions between the company’s operations and the environment,
● Work towards protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts including pollution,
● Comply with all relevant environmental legislation and requirements to which the company subscribes,
● Achieve continual improvements in our overall environmental performance
● Reduce quantities of waste disposed to landfill by reducing the amount produced, reusing where possible and recycling waste which cannot be reused, reduce the amount of energy we use through good management, training and informed purchasing practices and decisions,
● Reduce vehicle emissions generated by our business activities by monitoring the types of vehicles and machinery we purchase, proactive vehicle and machinery maintenance and by efficient work scheduling,
● Continually review and improve EMS systems and processes inline with any changes in legislation, company change or ISO accreditation changes. Glendale will also review and make any necessary changes (adaption) in its EMS systems and processes in  conjunction with climate change and in protecting biodiversity and ecosystems.

We shall deliver our environmental policy by:

● Setting clearly defined objectives and targets addressing our environmental issues,
● Taking account of environmental issues in our commercial decision making,
● Promoting our environmental activities with our staff, partners and other stakeholders and letting them know of our concern for the environment,
● Complying with the legislation, regulations and codes of best practice aimed at protecting and improving the environment,
● Providing support and advice to staff, suppliers and other stakeholders on environmental matters relating to our operations and ensuring that all staff and subcontractors are made aware of this policy and associated procedures concerning our impact on the environment, and
● Monitoring, auditing and reviewing our performance, and ensuring this policy is reviewed for continuing suitability during the management review process

Download our Environmental Policy