Carbon Neutrality

Glendale's Carbon Neutrality

Glendale is pleased to announce that it has achieved carbon neutrality for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023, continuing its annual commitment to sustainability. Glendale has maintained its carbon-neutral status since 2021. This has been achieved through work over the last 12 months measuring our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced from previously scoped sources. Be Sustainable Limited have again provided verification to ensure our assumptions and calculations were accurate. These GHG emissions have then been offset through the procurement of PAS 2060 approved carbon credits via the United Nations carbon offset platform.

The 2023 GHG emissions calculations and the Glendale Qualifying Explanatory Statement 2023 (QES) for PAS 2060:2014 have been verified by Be Sustainable, and a copy of both the QES and the Verification Statement are available on our website for the purposes of full transparency.

Glendale uses an intensity ratio of tCO2e per £1,000 turnover so that we are able to compare year on year performance whilst taking growth of the business into account.Despite commencing several new geographically spread contracts and adding 100 new commercial vehicles to the fleet, Glendale has managed to maintain the same carbon intensity ratio for 2023 as we achieved in 2022. It is envisaged that the ratio will positively reduce in 2024 as efficiencies are identified in these new contracts.

Glendale will continue to measure and offset its GHG emissions on an annual basis to remain carbon neutral, as well as setting and measuring GHG reduction targets inline with PAS 2060. This constitutes part of Glendale’s continued efforts to achieve net zero for the business as we adopt new technologies and push forward with energy saving initiatives.

What Does Carbon Neutral Mean?

There’s a big reason why we made the pledge to become carbon neutral and dedicated ourselves to achieving this massive goal. At Glendale, we have a number of core values running through our company and achieving carbon neutrality really encompasses many of these – we’re on a journey towards a greener future.

But what does carbon neutral mean?

If you’re not too sure what carbon neutral means or if you don’t understand the importance of it, please allow us to explain.

Being carbon-neutral means that any CO2 released into the atmosphere from Glendale’s activities is balanced by an equivalent amount being removed. Currently, this is achieved through the procurement of carbon credits to fund sustainable projects such as the building of hydro-electric power generation plants (carbon offsetting).

Carbon dioxide emissions continue to add to the ever-increasing threat of climate change, the world is now warming faster than at any point in recorded history. This is a serious problem and Glendale wants to recognise and take responsibility for any CO2 emissions that our company is putting out into the environment. We’re making a continued effort to reduce our carbon emissions, and this will in turn reduce the amount of offset we are required to procure, eventually being removed entirely when we reach our ultimate aim of net zero. The Earth and younger generations’ quality of life are seriously at risk if we don’t change our ways. Many countries have committed to becoming net zero by 2050, including the UK.

If you’re looking for a grounds maintenance company to take care of your park, woodland, neighbourhood or business – then it’s important to invest in a carbon neutral grounds maintenance company because they’re also looking out for the environment as a whole as well as your property. Make sure the company you employ to look after your green spaces, is aiming for a completely green future